Sunday 1 August 2010

Amoeba huddled in one place

They are very cute and fascinating.

They don’t really have particular shape which means they look like a jelly. They can change their body from solid state to liquid state and vice versa. If they want to move foward, first, their cytoplasm inside the cell flows towards front. When the cytoplasm arrives to the sides, then the cytoplasm becomes solid again.

They don’t have face, arms, or legs or anything such like other animals. They, however, make several long fake feet and slowly move with them. Their feet are called pseudopodia.

I wondered how they knew where the pray was, so I looked up on the internet. At first, before looking up on the internet, I thought they were guessing, not knowing that it is there. But on the internet, it said they knew it by spreading chemicals, which, bounces off the body of the prey. After detecting the position of it, they develope pseudopods to make a circle around it and capture it. Then they slowly digest it.

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